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The Place to Go for RPO.TM

Why bad hiring decisions are made and what can be done

  • March 20, 2013
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Webcast: Meeting access instructions provided upon registration

Join us for this special presentation and:

  1. Get insight on hiring and recruiting from an organization who’s been helping thousands of businesses for over 35 years.
  2. Get tangible strategies that can help alleviate the hiring problems you may be uncovering.
  3. Learn exactly how to capitalize on investments already made in your hiring and recruiting systems and what needs to be added for success.
  4. Ask your system hiring questions and get immediate answers from an experienced business coach (bring in all your questions: big and small, crazy and normal; all are welcome!)

Sign up now.

Hiring and recruiting is not what leaders and managers were ever trained to do. Recruiting, hiring, managing, training undefined it all is dependent on a system. If systems have not been created, it will be done very poorly and costly, using many high cost resources to the process. Being creative is the first key to success and understanding where to place resources is what helps any leader achieve success. To begin building out a process, department and system for this, it takes time, time that leaders don’t always have. Outsourcing a process such as this can be a strategic move that continues to keep you doing what you do best.


 rachel clark photo 

Rachel has worked as an EMyth Business Coach for 9 years, helping clients transform their business and lives using the tools, methodologies and principles of the EMyth coaching programs. Using her formal education in Marketing and Economics, coupled with years of experience in Executive Recruiting has empowered her to work with clients who are ready to work on their leadership and business. Learn more at:

 Lamees Abourahma

Lamees is the Executive Director for the Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association

In addition to RPOA, Lamees is an entrepreneur with great passion for creating a world-class company that provides outstanding services for clients and a place to inspire and be inspired for young, motivated, bright collage students. She is the founder and president of Webbright, a digital marketing company with focus on online marketing and membership websites.

Lamees has a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computing Science from Saint Mary's University, and a Master's degree in Computer Science from University of Waterloo. She's a certified Inbound Marketer, E-Myth graduate, a Dale Carnegie award winner, and a life-learner.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association, LLC 

Midlothian, Virginia 23114

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